Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

Head-to-Toe in the Full Armor of God

Note from Jesus Dear Faithful Follower, Some of the churches in your day are skilled at drawing big audiences. Many more congregations, both large and small, need to focus more on equipping a spiritual army…

Your Daily Worship

Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, In yesterday’s note, I urged you to display your Father’s righteous character and gracious compassion. Today, I apply that principle more fully to your personal daily life. Follow My example…

My Promises for You!

Note from Jesus Dear Precious One, The events that led to Paul’s journey to Rome and his shipwreck and other problems along the way began in Jerusalem. Some Jews from Asia Minor stirred up the…

Filled with the Holy Spirit

Note from Jesus Dear Child of Glory, The world is filled with many beautiful and precious people. Unfortunately, so many of them miss their greatest opportunities. Many miss these great opportunities because they do not…

Focus on What Is Core

Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, I walked the streets and footpaths of Galilee, Samaria, and Judea two thousand years ago. I came as God incarnate and gave Myself as a sacrifice for your sins and…

Essential Unity

Note from Jesus Dear Member of My Body, Paul emphasized in several of his letters to churches that My church is My bodily presence in the world (Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:1-30). When I lived…

Power and Praise

Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, One of the most remarkable gifts you have as the Father’s child is the gift of your intercessory prayer for others. When the apostle Paul was in prison, his confinement…

Antidote to Uncertainty: Thankfulness

Note from Jesus Dear Child of Grace, You have been blessed with grace because of the Father’s love (John 3:16-18; Colossians 1:12-14). That grace was embodied by My coming to earth in human flesh, My…

I AM Enough

Note from Jesus Dear Believer, When Paul wrote to the Colossians, he was imprisoned and facing hardship because of his work for the gospel (Colossians 1:24-29; Colossians 4:18). He was content even facing this suffering…

Grace, Glorious Grace

Note from Jesus Dear Child of Grace, Paul powerfully tells the truth about where each of you was before grace: You were the offspring of the prince of the power of air — oh, how…

Passion and Truth in Praise

Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, Today you will read two powerful passages of praise. The first one is from Paul’s letter to the Colossians. The second is from Paul’s letter sent to several churches in…

My Mindset

Note from Jesus Dear Servant of God, Families, churches, groups, and communities are all systems of people. These systems are built upon flawed people and broken people. No matter how well-intentioned many people may be…

Joy in the Face of Hardship

Note from Jesus Dear Precious One, No matter what you are facing — right now or ever in the future — please know that I care about your struggles. I will never abandon you in…

God’s Suffering Servant

Note from Jesus Dear Follower, The Father’s role for Me when I came to earth as the Son of God shocked many people. They expected a warrior or kingly ruler who would restore Israel to…

Mustard Seed Effect

Note from Jesus Dear Child of the King of Glory, The kingdom of heaven is powerful. You are a part of that kingdom. You are a child of the King. Great power is at work…

Finally in Rome!

Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, Paul finally arrived in Rome in the concluding chapter of Acts. As you have seen over the last several days of reading, the journey had been difficult. Paul first had…

Winning the Hearts of Your Critics

Note from Jesus Dear Friend, Just as Paul faced his legal ordeals and challenging travels to Rome, My disciples in Asia Minor faced growing criticism, ostracism, and persecution. So Peter wrote to encourage them. Like…

Holy Moments, Ordinary Bread

Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, The fellowship of My disciples as they gather around a table for a meal is a precious and holy time. This meal can be a common meal or Holy Communion…

Treacherous Travels

Note from Jesus Dear Follower of The Way, Paul’s path to Rome was difficult. First, he faced a series of legal hearings before he even left for Rome. Then, he faced the challenging sea journey…

Powerful Testimony

Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, I gave My life to bring God’s grace to you. As My disciple, I ask you to share My story of grace in your life with others. In the first…

Navigating Political Minefields

Note from Jesus Dear Precious One, Each of My disciples is precious to Me. I hate for any of them to have to go through unfair trials and difficulties. Unfortunately, the world in which My…

‘You Will Do the Same in Rome!’

Note from Jesus Dear Follower, Roman soldiers saved Paul from being beaten to death by an angry Jewish mob. The mob had mistakenly thought he had taken a Gentile named Trophimus into the Jewish-only portion…

Arrested to Serve and to Save

Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, Paul’s long anticipated return to Jerusalem finally happened. He arrived in Jerusalem accompanied by Christians from the churches in Asia Minor and Europe. They came with Paul to bless their…

The Heart of a Shepherd

Note from Jesus Dear Precious Disciple, Paul was finally on his way back to Jerusalem. His trip had been delayed because of the plots against his life. So he had gone back through Macedonia on…

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