Note from Jesus
Dear Disciple,
On two previous days, I have had you look at John’s account of the man who was born blind and whom I healed. We’ve seen how people can willfully be blind to the people in need around them. Instead of viewing each person as someone in whom “the deeds of God may be put on display” (John 9:3), they treat those people as something less than people created in Our image — they treat them as a religious question, a label, a problem, or a biological product. Today, I want you to focus on the journey to faith of the man whom I healed of blindness — both his physical blindness and his spiritual blindness.
His journey toward faith began as a person in need. I healed his physical blindness, and he began his journey toward his spiritual blindness being healed. You can follow this man’s journey to faith by watching what he said about me:
- “a man named Jesus.” (John 9:11)
- “this man is a prophet.” (John 9:17)
- “I only know one thing: I was blind, and now I see.” (John 9:25)
- “This man must come from God.” (John 9:33)
- “Lord, I do believe [that You are the Son of Man — Messiah and Lord — promised to us].” (John 9:38)
I want you to look at this man’s journey of faith. Many of you have made a similar journey in what you believe about Me. Others whom you are trying to reach with My grace are somewhere on this journey. Use gentle persistence to lead them to a deeper understanding of My identity.
Notice some things about this man’s coming to faith. While I wasn’t with him, he was still coming to a deeper understanding of My identity. And even at the end of the journey, he couldn’t explain everything about Me, but he had a determined faith in Me. Realize that even when you are not with those you are trying to lead to faith, the Spirit is working in their lives through what others do and say — even if it is hostile. Realize that while your friends may not be able to explain everything about Me, they can point to the clear changes in their lives as rock solid evidence of what they believe about Me.
You have heard Me tell you that people have to decide whether I am a lunatic who is delusional about His identity or a liar who is trying to take advantage of people for his own good, or whether I AM the Lord. That is ultimately the decision that people have to make about Me. So help your friends stay on the journey of faith and be there to help them come to the full understanding of My identity. As you work in their lives to lead them to faith, know that you are not alone: I AM there with you and them — even when you are not present — helping them journey to full and saving faith.
Verses to Live
Notice how the Pharisees push this man to give up what he knows is true. The man never yields to them. He doesn’t back down. The Pharisees cannot defeat his logic nor can they discredit the truth of My miracle. So they end up doing what many do to you today. They ostracize him and demean him. Don’t be surprised when people do that to you. Just realize that when they have to resort to belittling you, they have lost the battle and are left to pettiness and living in their own willful blindness.
Formerly Blind Man:
This man
[Jesus] must come from God; otherwise, this miracle would not be possible. Only God can do such things.
You were born under a cloud of sin. How can you, of all people, lecture us?
The religious leaders banished him from their presence. Jesus heard what had happened and sought out the man.
Do you believe in the Son of Man?
Formerly Blind Man:
I want to believe, Lord. Who is He?
You have seen His face with your new eyes, and you are talking to Him now.
Formerly Blind Man:
Lord, I do believe.
The man bowed low to worship Jesus.
I have entered this world to announce a verdict that changes everything. Now those without sight may begin to see, and those who see may become blind.
Some Pharisees (who overheard Jesus):
Surely we are not blind, are we?
If you were blind, you would be without sin. But because you claim you can see, your sin is ever present.
(John 9:33-41)
Response in Prayer
O Father, I thank You for my journey of faith. I ask that You help me as I try to walk with others on their journey toward faith in You. Please be at work in the following people’s lives that I want to see come to faith in Jesus as their Savior and Lord and as Your Son. (Think of people who need to know Jesus. Bring them before the Father and mention them by name.) Help each of these people to come to full and active faith in Jesus. I pray this in His name. Amen.
‘A Year with Jesus’ is written by Phil Ware.
© 1998-2025, Heartlight, Inc. ‘A Year with Jesus‘ is part of the Heartlight Network.
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Voice™. © 2008 by Ecclesia Bible Society. Used by permission. All rights reserved.