23 Oct 2020
If you are walking in the will of God, there are battles He will fight for you. The critical thing is to hear what the Lord is saying concerning your situation. King Darius, a Persian, gave a decree that helped the completion of the temple. Take time to be still and find out what God is saying. May He open our eyes to see His work in our midst. May we also do our part. Ezra 6:1-18.
22 Oct 2020
Emerging from a season of challenges requires faith in God. It doesn’t help when others seek to discourage you from doing what the Lord is calling you to do. Ezra 4:1-24 depicts what the children of went through as they sought to rebuild the temple. Whatever God calls you to do, do it. Focus on Him and avoid distractions.
21 Oct 2020
As the temple was being rebuilt, some cried dejected as they remembered the old temple. Others praised God at the prospect of seeing a new temple. What’s your disposition as the Lord leads us into a new season? May He help us to not get distracted. May we focus on Him and yield to Him to allow Him to guide us. Ezra 3:7-13.
19 Oct 2020
As we emerge from the pandemic era let us not despair at the thought of the work of rebuilding that lies ahead of us. We serve Yahweh the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is able to restore what was lost. Just like the temple was rebuilt, He will provide the resources, expertise and conducive environment. Ours is to walk in divine purpose and have faith. Ezra 5:6-16.
16 Oct 2020
So whether we are enduring job loss, marital challenges, bereavement, broken relationships, political turmoil, rejection, illness, etc, may the attitude of Paul and his team in their ministry to the Corinthians be our portion. May the Lord fill us to the brim until all that others see in us is Him. When we are squeezed on every side, may He flow out of us and touch others. 2 Corinthians 6:2-10.
15 Oct 2020
When we purpose to live for God, then let us also trust Him fully. This may call for adjustments on our part. Doing His will is not always easy, but it is the better option. The writer of Hebrews encourages fidelity basing his advice on God’s promise from Deuteronomy: the Lord will not forsake us. Hebrews 13:4-6.
14 Oct 2020
May our individual and collective experiences during such a season as this cause us to focus on Jehovah as the reason for our existence. May we realise that He created us for a certain purpose and may we determine to live for Him. Job 33:19-30.
13 Oct 2020
May we also hear what the Lord is saying in the midst of all the turmoil around us. As Elihu mentions in Job 33:14-18, God speaks in different ways to warn us so that our lives may be preserved in difficult times. May we heed what the Lord is saying to us.
12 Oct 2020
The events around us point to impending judgement from the Lord. My prayer is that the Lord would remember mercy even under these circumstances like He did in Jeremiah 33:1-16. May we also learn the lessons He is teaching us through these tough times.
09 Oct 2020
And verse 24 and 25 of Hebrews 10 go on to admonish us as brethren to meet and fellowship so that we may encourage one another in the Lord. The circumstances that would cause us to seek God out of desperation are major. We should not face them alone. Let us support each other, pray for one another and draw strength from each other.