11 Aug 2014
God has singled out those He wants to visit & is ministering to them so that they in turn minister to their generation & their legacy to future ones Gen18:1-22
8 Aug 2014
Why do Muslims, Asians, etc make a concerted effort to help the needy? They understand the importance & know the benefit of doing so Lk14:1-24, Ps41:1-3, Jb29
7 Aug 2014
What do we focus on more: being recognised by our titles or for the work we do? Or impacting those we encounter for God’s glory? What’s beneficial? Lk11:37-53
6 Aug 2014
Wrong attitudes & mindset affect our understanding, hence affecting our beliefs. May God help us to have transformed minds & new understanding Lk11:34-36
5 Aug 2014
The authority of Christ & His sacrifice make Christianity very unique. It is more than a religion. It is a relationship due to God’s love. Lk10:1-42
4 Aug 2014
Jesus’ ministry while on earth lasted 3 years, but it portrayed unparalleled passion, commitment & excellence. How can we match this? Devotion! Lk11:29-32 37-52
1 Aug 2014
For effective ministry, it is critical to hear what God is saying to us & to obey it, otherwise we’ll engage in activity without divine result Lk 9:1-6, 10:1-24
31 Jul 2014
As we work as Christ’s ambassadors here on earth, we may err due to unbelief, temptation, etc. Others may also do wrong to us. May God give us wisdom Lk6:27-42
30 Jul 2014
Our mission in life entails bringing the kingdom of God nearer those God allows us to impact. Who are they? How do we position ourselves to be used? Lk4:18f
29 Jul 2014
Lord you have turned my mourning into dancing & my sorrow into joy. And this is how I have overcome: by accepting Your salvation & Your word concerning me Ps118