Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

14 Jul 2016

Those who are in Christ have the benefit of having the Holy Spirit residing in them. Such should therefore be guided by Him & avoid offending Him Eph4:30

13 Jul 2016

As the Lord has prospered us have we lost focus & turned away from Him? Have we started operating in our own wisdom? May He have mercy & redirect us 1Kgs11:9-13

12 Jul 2016

Where have we failed, Lord? Are we too proud to admit it? What led us to failure? Are we loosing a war or the battle itself? Lord please help us 1Sam2:12-36

11 Jul 2016

May the Lord of mercy surprise you again & again. I know He has done so in the past. May He do it again Ps92

8 Jul 2016

To avoid sining when angry, immediately start resolving the issue with the person that has offended you. Hearts are placated & relations restored Ep4:26-27

6 Jul 2016

It is human to get angry, but anyone with the Spirit of God living in him has the benefit of exercising a fruit of the Spirit, i.e. self control Pr29:11

5 Jul 2016

May the Lord of mercy help us to love one another. Sometimes it is not easy, but the benefits of loving make it worthwhile. Let’s trust Him 1Jn3:11-18

4 Jul 2016

What makes you angry? What do you do when you get angry? Avoid anger & by doing so its consequences, especially those that lead to sinn Mt5:21-22

1 Jul 2016

Our unique God works through the Holy Trinity to equip His followers for life. He imparts wisdom that’s beyond human understanding & that sets us apart 1Cor2

30 Jun 2016

The uniqueness of God is explained in scripture severally. Let us know what to say as we share with others. This could help get people saved Mt16:15-16

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