5 Jun 2018
Moses’ divine purpose was to lead Israel out of Egypt. The actions of the 2 women in Ex2:1-10 set him on the right path to fulfill his purpose. Israel benefited…
4 Jun 2018
Our actions can have such far reaching effects that we may never get to see. We must therefore be careful & keep asking God to help us do His will Ex2:1-10…
30 May 2018
I’m travelling to an area with poor or no phone network coverage from tomorrow until Sunday. The morning messages resume on Monday. Let’s pray for each other…
30 May 2018
Ultimately, the way we treat others says a lot about our faith & our attitude towards God & His teaching. Mt25:31-46 gives us His expectations of us…
29 May 2018
Going a step further would be to allow the Holy Spirit to enable us to love our enemies & praying for them. He can also help us to avoid retaliation Mt5:43-48…
28 May 2018
As we walk in divine purpose may others experience who God is & may their lives be transformed as they see Him & have a personal encounter with Him 1Kgs8:41-51…
25 May 2018
Are you fulfilling your purpose? Praise God! Have you failed to do so? Lord help us find our purpose & have impact for you. May we always be available Is37:1-20…
24 May 2018
1 man fulfilling his divine enabled a whole community to live in peace, they grew spiritually & were able to also fulfill their divine purpose Neh8:9-18…
23 May 2018
Political scheming & sabotage didn’t start with Kenyan politics. Neh6:1-14 shows this. The devil wants to stop us from doing God’s will. He uses fellow men…
22 May 2018
As you commit to doing God’s will, He will ensure that you succeed if you let Him have His way. The wall around Jerusalem was completed Neh6:15-16…
21 May 2018
You are not in heaven yet. You live in a cruel secular world. But God placed you here to fulfill a certain purpose. Devote your life to doing His will Neh1…
18 May 2018
Christ endured horrible torture & a cruel degrading death on the cross for claiming to be God’s son. He forgave & prayed for his persecutors. Would you? Lk23:34…
17 May 2018
If we truly love God, then we must love one another & wish each other well. Even though we disagree, let’s not hate & wish each other evil Nmb23:13-26…
16 May 2018
We too must be willing to accept correction and/or good advice. If we don’t, we will be categorised with the mocker in Pr9:8 & 19:25. Let’s learn from criticism…
15 May 2018
Protecting others from harm or danger involves pointing out the wrong things they may be doing & the consequences of their actions. Do it lovingly Pr9:8, 19:25…
14 May 2018
We seek to protect those we love from harm or danger. In Rom16:17-20, Paul does that. Let’s point out potential danger & help. We may just save lives…
11 May 2018
When we love someone deeply, we are more likely to forgive them when they hurt us. Let’s spend more time loving & serving others as God enables us 1Pt4:7-11…
10 May 2018
Real love for others helps us love strangers, empathise with the suffering, respect our marriage vows, be content. Faith in God helps us love like this Hb13:1-6…
9 May 2018
Overflowing love is the natural response to forgiveness & the appropriate consequence of faith. He who has sinned much appreciates God’s forgiveness Lk7:36-47. https://youtu.be/5pFr-K7IWzw…
8 May 2018
Those who have been forgiven much love much. Since faith expresses itself through love you can check your love for others as a way to monitor your faith Lk7:47…
7 May 2018
Have you ever felt overwhelmed & desperate? What do you normally do in such circumstances? David went to a secluded place & sought after God. He found Him Ps142…
4 May 2018
The change we desire to see in Kenyan society would best be achieved through a change of heart. Spiritual conviction is effective in transformation Lk6:27-32…
3 May 2018
Daily interaction with God’s word ensures that we remain focused on Him & it helps us avoid depravity. Keeping away from His word has repercussions Rm1:28-32…
2 May 2018
The wickedness we see all around us is something Paul saw in Rome during his time. May we restrain ourselves & pray against it. May the Lord help us Rm1:18-32…
30 Apr 2018
Let’s not give up praying for our leaders. The Lord is able to change their hearts & also raise righteous ones. The citizens need a change of heart too Is32:1-8…