Silent Stones

Silent Stones Ministries

16 May 2016

God’s presence is critical in our journey through life. Salvation, God’s mercy & a desire for righteousness guarantee it. May He always be with us Ex 13 :21-22…

13 May 2016

Sin shouldn’t have a stranglehold on me because of what Christ did on the cross. He conquered sin & death. Yet sin can derail my mission to eternity Hb12:1-11…

12 May 2016

Start by receiving Christ as Saviour then always grow in salvation through fellowship, bible study, prayer, meditation, etc. Remain humble. Col2:6-15…

11 May 2016

As one grows in all areas of life the biggest challenge is remaining humble. Ask for God’s help to maintain an attitude that rejects pride & sin 1Thes4:1-12…

10 May 2016

Our holy God expects His followers to be like Him. We should “die” to the basic principles of this world, just as Christ died & be above its rules Col2:20-22…

9 May 2016

As we interact with God who is holy, let’s not be intimidated by his holiness. May it give us comfort & encourage us to be more like Him Ps99…

6 May 2016

Holiness is critical. So is God’s purpose for us. We should have a good perspective of both issues. God provides grace to help us find a balance 2Tim1:8-12…

5 May 2016

My willingness to turn away from sin that dominates is a big step towards deliverance. Don’t give up on yourself. God hasn’t given up on you. Is1:18-19, Ps19:14…

4 May 2016

Lord, may sin not hinder us from walking in your will. Please give us wisdom, power & discernment to overcome & the focus to stay on course Ps32:1-2, 119:133…

3 May 2016

Heavenly Father, as we start a new season we surrender ourselves to you because you created us & you know what’s best. Have Your way & be merciful Lk9:21-27…

29 Apr 2016

Who else could command the sun to rise & set at given times, the rain to pour in season, plants to grow in particular places & birds to wake man up? Fear Him…

28 Apr 2016

While Jesus was on earth, He did the Father’s will out of reverence for Him. Who are we then to try and go against God’s will for us? Mt3:15, Jn 8:46…

27 Apr 2016

Allow the fear of God to drive you to submission to Him. That will usher in the Holy Spirit who will change you, quenching old desires. Please Him Is59:19-21…

26 Apr 2016

John saw living creatures & 24 elders worshipping God day & night, falling before His throne. We should try & maintain an attitude of worship always Rev4:6-11…

25 Apr 2016

The fear/reverence of the Lord cannot be over emphasised. Its benefits are plenty. When His children fear Him, He responds with love & compassion Ps147, esp 11…

22 Apr 2016

So let’s worship God with sincerity, exercise faith & humility & walk in His will, appreciate His goodness to us & trust Him. Shalom shall follow us Is25:1-8…

21 Apr 2016

Showing God no reverence makes us gradually become distant from Him & may lead to wickedness. God loves reverence, sincere worship & faith Ps50, esp 14-15 & 23…

20 Apr 2016

How much do we fear/revere the Lord? How does this fear/reverence affect our lives? Does it lead us to Him or away from Him? Jb 1:1, 1:8, Ps 19:9, 111:10…

19 Apr 2016

The important thing is to ensure that you are in God’s will. If you are then there is no reason to be afraid, no matter what happens Ps23:4, 27:1…

18 Apr 2016

We should ask the Lord to guide us in His will without fearing what lies ahead of us. Let’s trust in Him & be confident in His love for us. Don’t fear Gen46:1-4…

15 Apr 2016

What does fear hinder you from doing? Does it come in between you & your Christian obligations & consequently other areas of your life? What can you do? Jn9:22…

14 Apr 2016

Doubt & religiosity can hinder spiritual growth even when the evidence speaks for itself. Our God isn’t limited by rules. He is supernatural Jn9:13-34…

13 Apr 2016

There’s a certain level of hunger for the things of God that’ll usher in a greater manifestation of His presence than we’re I used to. Let’s humble ourselves Ac3:19…

13 Apr 2016

There are expectations God has of those who confess Him as Lord & Saviour. Those who yearn for a closer walk with Him must decide to live as He says 2Tim2:14-19…

13 Apr 2016

Let’s be faithful to the call of God upon our lives. We therefore cannot be mediocre. Let’s do what He asks us to do with the zeal He expects of us 2Tim1:8-14…

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