Caring for the Family of Believers
17 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Child of the Father, You live in an interconnected world more than any other human beings in the history of planet earth. You can travel quickly by air, sea, and land…
Our Glorious Future
16 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Follower, Resurrection is coming. I will return for those who belong to Me. At My coming, everyone who belongs to Me will be given an immortal body. Just as you have…
Out of Phase
15 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Servant of the Lord, Yes, I have called you My sibling, My beloved, and My friend. I have even called you a child of the King of Glory and a child…
You Don’t Have to Have an Apostle
14 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, I appointed My apostles as My emissaries to the world. I commissioned them to take My message everywhere to everyone. The original apostles, except for Judas, of course, had all…
Bedrock Belief
13 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, All religions, in fact, all worldviews including those couched in the language of unbelief, are built on a belief in something. This something may be an idea, a theory, an…
Build Up Each Other!
12 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, I love those times when you lose yourself in worshipful praise as you are filled with the Holy Spirit. To see your heart moved in love to praise the Father…
A More Excellent Way!
11 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Precious One, Some words are simply more important than others. In the human vocabulary that We — Father, Son, and Spirit — use, one word stands above all others: love. Our…
Gifted by the Spirit
10 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Precious Believer, You became a child of the Father when you turned your heart and life to follow Me, called on Me in faith to be your Savior, confessed Me as…
Wait for Each Other at My Table!
8 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Precious Disciple, Few things have been more important to My disciples through the centuries than My Supper. The Eucharist, the Lord‘s Supper, Communion, and Holy Communion are all terms that have…
Beyond Magic: Supernatural!
7 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, On the night I was betrayed, I shared in what you call The Last Supper. I gathered with My closest disciples around a table to share the Passover meal. And…
To Win Some
6 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, Disciple-makers live to do one thing: they live to make other disciples! I gave the Great Commission to My original disciples, and I also told them to teach all the…
Supporting Those Who Serve
5 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Friend, The support of those who work for Me as their calling and vocation has always been a touchy issue among some of My people. Paul ran into one of the…
Not Causing to Stumble
4 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, Some issues were hard for new Christians to understand. One question for these new believers in Corinth was this: “Should we avoid food sacrificed to idols?” They didn’t want to…
What About Sexual Intimacy and Marriage?
3 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, Today’s set of verses is long. In these verses, Paul spoke about the issue of sexual intimacy and marriage. He was applying what I taught in My ministry to a…
Wouldn’t It Be Better?
1 August 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Disciple, Today’s verses are from 1 Corinthians. Paul had begun to address the sin and division damaging the holiness and fellowship in the house churches in Corinth. In yesterday’s verses, he…
Family Discipline, Family Rescue
31 July 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, In My family, there are times when direct discipline from the Father is necessary in the lives of His children (1 Corinthians 11:32; Hebrews 12:5-11). Throughout your New Testament, you…
Scour Away the Filth
30 July 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Faithful Follower, Even when Paul first worked with the Corinthians, he sought to help them turn from the unbridled immorality that was a part of their city’s culture. This lifestyle change…
My Precious Temple!
29 July 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Beloved, As Paul used his letter to address the rivalries and divisions among My followers in Corinth, he pointed to four truths that I want you to remember. You find these…
Bragging Rights?
28 July 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Child of the Father, The Corinthian disciples had forgotten what made them special. Some were arguing that their group of believers was more important than another group of believers. Some were…
The Father’s Faithfulness Is Greater Than My Disciples’ Failures
27 July 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Beloved of the Father, While Paul was in Ephesus, he wrote a letter to the Corinthians to follow-up on his time in Corinth. Your book of 1 Corinthians is actually his…
27 July 2024
Note from Jesus Dear Follower, I challenged My apostles before My ascension to make faith in Me a worldwide movement of grace and discipleship offered to all people (Matthew 28:18-20). They were to begin where…