04 Oct 2019
To avoid being humiliated like Moab, one ought to allow God to do His will. Moab was once a strong but wicked nation that oppressed Israel. But the prophecy in Jeremiah 48:26-27 and verse 36-39…
03 Oct 2019
We in turn must strive to do good, even as we seek friends who are good and not wicked. Let’s be mindful as we serve others; we should serve willingly, not being motivated only by…
02 Oct 2019
After the warning about tithes and offerings in Malachi 3, the Lord challenges the people on what they have said against Him – Malachi 3:13-14. The people had resigned themselves to the fact that the…
01 Oct 2019
Bad company can have far reaching effects on people’s lives according to 1 Kings 2:13-46. Due to wickedness, Adonijah, Joab, Abiathar and Shimei all did evil. Their actions caused death and or misery to others…
30 Sep 2019
1 Corinthians 15:33 reminds us of a basic truth we must have heard many times growing up and one that we repeat to younger people frequently. In view of the fact that eternal life is…
27 Sep 2019
In Genesis 4:8-9, a pertinent question is raised about our responsibility to others. Are we our brother’s keeper? The Lord knew what Cain had done and wanted to see his reaction to the question posed…
26 Sep 2019
We ought to pray for Israel and to support her in any way we can. If we do the opposite, we shall attract judgment from God like Joel prophesied in Joel 3:1-12. As we think…
25 Sep 2019
Let us also remain faithful in our service to God, for as we do so, we will serve humanity. This may come at a price as mentioned in Daniel 11:31-34 in a prophecy he received…
24 Sep 2019
In Luke 7:1-10, we see how much a Roman soldier loved his neighbours. He went to so much trouble to help his servant and even served the Jews who were his subjects (vs 5). His…
23 Sep 2019
May the Lord open our eyes to see what He would like us to do for our neighbours. May He speak so clearly about it. May we hear and trust Him enough to obey what…
20 Sep 2019
Very significant things may occur during our time of moulding. Job is a good example of this. He persevered during his tribulations and got a deeper understanding of who God is. In Job 2:9 he…
19 Sep 2019
Even in discomfort, let us endeavour to live for Christ like Paul did in Philippians 1:20-26. The reason for this is that we don’t exist for ourselves only. Paul was ready to die for His…
18 Sep 2019
Trouble can also discourage us from seeking God. Let us determine, that it will push us towards Him, not away from Him. I know that the magnitude of some challenges is huge, but let us…
17 Sep 2019
To hear what God is saying, we need to focus on Him and to shut out distractions that threaten to sidetrack our faith. Being too busy to meditate on His word and allowing ourselves to…
16 Sep 2019
How did you wake up this morning? How are you feeling? I am encouraged by the words of Hebrews 6:13-20 which remind me that the Lord is faithful to His word. We should learn to…
13 Sep 2019
And as you pursue a God-centred life, don’t be surprised if some people express their disappointment in your quest for righteousness. They will feel offended by what you have decided to do. You are no…
12 Sept 2019
A God-centred life means allowing His purposes to be fulfilled and trusting that He knows what He is doing. As Jesus began His ministry, Matthew quoted from Isaiah concerning His purpose. God had it all…
11 Sep 2019
A God-centred life means submitting to Him, waiting to hear from Him, watching to see what He is doing and joining Him in what He is doing or about to start doing. We can opt…
10 Sep 2019
Let us continuously strive to know and do the will of God and to teach our children the same. To be able to live this way means we must pursue and live a God-centred life…
09 Sep 2019
For our loved ones, let us plead with the Lord to stir up their hearts so that they may desire to know Him more. A sure sign that God is doing this is when they…
06 Sep 2019
Our children may be like the Israelites who were dependent on signs and wonders to believe in God. Jesus gives an appropriate reply to them in John 6:28-29. As parents, let us be comforted by…
05 Sep 2019
Just like Jesus says in John 6:26-27, our kids mainly depend on us for subsistence. It is our responsibility to point them to Him that giveth eternal life…
04 Sep 2019
We may speak to our children about God the way we know how to, and it may work or fail. In case it doesn’t work, meditate on John6:22-45. Look at their lives and see what…
03 Sep 2019
Like we read yesterday in Acts 2, the Lord has expectations of both children and adults. He promises to provide help through the Holy Spirit because of the nature of the assignment. In Deuteronomy 11:19…
02 Sept 2019
Let’s contend for the faith of our children. Let us not give up crying out to God for them and talking to them about the importance of a closer walk with God. For the Lord…